Youtube Statistics EDA

  • Conducted extensive data preprocessing techniques to prepare the dataset for machine learning analysis:
    • One-Hot Encoding: Transformed categorical variables into a format that could be provided to ML algorithms to improve their performance.
    • Standardization: Scaled the features to have a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one, enhancing the convergence of gradient-based algorithms.
    • Dimensionality Reduction: Applied techniques like PCA to reduce the number of features, minimizing redundancy and improving computational efficiency.
  • Optimized Machine Learning algorithms to minimize Mean Square Error (MSE):
    • Evaluated and fine-tuned various models to ensure the lowest possible MSE, enhancing the prediction accuracy of the models.
  • Provided strategic guidance for maximizing YouTube channel earnings:
    • Analyzed the factors influencing earnings and offered actionable recommendations to content creators.
  • Leveraged advanced machine learning models for prediction:
    • Random Forest Regression:
      • Implemented and tuned a Random Forest model which provided robust predictions due to its ensemble learning approach.
    • Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model:
      • Developed and optimized an ANN model that captured complex non-linear relationships within the data.
    • Both Random Forest Regression and ANN outperformed other methods, delivering the most accurate predictions.
  • Provided valuable insights for content creators:
    • Used the predictions from the models to identify key factors that maximize YouTube earnings.
    • Offered data-driven advice to optimize content strategy, enhancing revenue generation for creators.